What Are the Idols in Your Life: Beauty, Body Image, Social Media, Acquiring More?

<p>I recently listened to an interview with a Christian speaker/author where she discussed how she started her day first thing every morning with the most important thing. I thought she would say&nbsp;<em>prayer</em>,&nbsp;<em>reading the Bible, or spending time with God</em>, but instead, she said:&nbsp;<strong>exercise</strong>.</p> <p>She then discussed how she planned her workday around exercise, ended the day with another workout, and how important fitness was in her life. I was a bit surprised by the interview<strong>&nbsp;</strong>because<strong>&nbsp;</strong><em>she never once mentioned God&nbsp;</em>in her journey of self-esteem and body image issues (which came up a lot).</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/koinonia/what-are-the-idols-in-your-life-beauty-body-image-social-media-acquiring-more-d36db18f4e96"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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