Acknowledging Land and People…and what else?

<p>Tkaronto is a Mohawk word meaning &ldquo;the place in the water where the trees are standing&rdquo; from which the name Toronto originated (an ironic tip of the hat to Indigenous languages while we take their land&hellip;). Exploring the 20 sites in the Tkaronto game on my phone reminded me just how little I know about Indigenous history in the country I was born and raised in. All around me in Toronto &mdash; the city I lived in for over 20 years - are histories that I didn&rsquo;t learn about in school, and don&rsquo;t see acknowledged in the ways we acknowledge colonizer history (buildings, plaques, fences around old cemeteries). So much rich history is buried under concrete or shrouded in silence because the stories have not been shared.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>