‘Money can’t buy happiness’ is an absurd statement

<p><em>Well, I wrote about this in one of my Linkedin posts, so I thought let me continue my rant on Medium. Here we go.</em></p> <p>Why does everyone keep saying &lsquo;money can&rsquo;t buy happiness&rsquo;? It always comes from people who have experienced significant money. It&rsquo;s those who&rsquo;ve never had to wonder where their next meal is coming from, or those who&rsquo;ve never had to choose between paying rent and getting medical treatment. For the majority of the world, this idealistic phrase is a slap in the face. Money may not buy happiness directly, but it sure as hell alleviates a lot of misery.</p> <p>Every day, people grapple with real-world problems that have a price tag. Want to give your child a decent education? That costs money. Want to ensure your family has a roof over their head and food on the table? Money again. Need life-saving surgery? Guess what, you&rsquo;re going to need money. In a world so deeply entrenched in economic systems, financial stability isn&rsquo;t just about luxury; it&rsquo;s about survival, dignity, and opportunities.</p> <p><a href="https://akrissh.medium.com/money-cant-buy-happiness-is-an-absurd-statement-f2fb54153afa"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>