Can you Absorb Negative energy from others when giving them a Reiki treatment?

<p><strong>First for the &lsquo;yes&rsquo; part.</strong>&nbsp;We have all felt the impact of someone else&rsquo;s energy on our own system. Both positive and negative &mdash; the angry shouting stranger in a public place, the cries of anguish from a family member or friend who has lost someone dear, the endearing look from a loved one. Other people affect us deeply and transmit their emotional state to us loud and clear. This goes on as part of our daily interaction with people, and as such is not unique to Reiki. When you are in the vicinity of others, you will pick up their &lsquo;vibes&rsquo;.</p> <p>When you are giving someone a Reiki treatment, you can pick up their vibes just as you can when you have coffee with them, or chat on the phone with them &mdash; vibes travel, that&rsquo;s just a fact of human interaction.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>