Abraham Was Not a Jew, and neither Was Jacob… Then Who is a Jew?

<p>Often in my contact with other Christians, I&rsquo;m asked this question,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Was Abraham a Jew?&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Was Jacob a Jew?</strong>&nbsp;I observe that many of the saints of the Lord are not clear about this. They generally think that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were Jews. Sadly, even some Theologians and Bible teachers today teach so.</p> <p>Some even refer to those who are not Christians as Gentiles. Perhaps, some of the church pastors and elders may assume the same thought. That is incorrect.</p> <p>Since this is not clearly taught even in most churches today, I hope to unscroll the scriptures and shed more light on this topic. Take the time to read this article to the end, study the Scripture references and prove to yourself, whether these things are so, so you can answer with biblical truth those who ask.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/unscrolling-the-scriptures/was-abraham-a-jew-was-jacob-a-jew-so-who-is-a-jew-3972d348fd4f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>