Abortion is About Control, Not Life

<p>Politically speaking, the issue of abortion has never been about the life of the child, but making women slaves to the state as they were in the past. If we look at how the loss of Roe vs Wade is playing out in states who have outlawed abortion, some of them are literally hunting women down they suspect are leaving the state to terminate their pregnancy. Some states have counties making it illegal to&nbsp;<a href="https://www.vox.com/23868962/texas-abortion-travel-ban-unconstitutional" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">travel</a>&nbsp;through their county seeking an abortion.</p> <p>These states use spying, coercing friends to tell, neighbors, and churches to inform on women who are pregnant and traveling to states where abortion is legal. This sort of shit has nothing to do with preserving life, but has everything to do with men, backed by religion, using government, to try and turn the clock back on women&rsquo;s rights. It is sickening to watch Evangelicals and Republicans yammer on an on about morals, freedom, pro-life, and big government coming to get them when it is their ideology that is actually the one carrying out intrusive government.</p> <p><a href="https://jamiedruhan.medium.com/abortion-is-about-control-not-life-ed1035d08806"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Abortion