Full automation with Argo Rollout blue-green deployment — automatic rollout abort and rollback

<p>GitOps is a methodology that uses Git as the source of truth for your desired state of your applications and infrastructure. A GitOps agent (such as Argo CD) attempts to keep the actual state in-sync with the desired state by continuously applying the changes from Git to your cluster.</p> <p>However, Argo CD has no way to keep the cluster in a stable state in case of application bugs or failures. For example, if you deploy a new version of your application that has an error, Argo CD will still apply it to your cluster and potentially cause downtime or disruption for your users.</p> <p>Argo Rollout is a Kubernetes operator that extends the native Kubernetes rollout capabilities with advanced strategies such as blue-green deployment or canary deployment.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@xpiotrkleban/full-automation-with-argo-rollout-blue-green-deployment-automatic-rollout-abort-and-rollback-54652158fdf4"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>