A Safe Abode

<p><strong><em>Where the cries are silent and the laughs are loud, you don&rsquo;t call it a happy space</em></strong><em>.</em></p> <p>We all know the most important characteristic that makes a human, human is emotions. Feelings of joy, sadness, jealousy, excitement, nervousness etc makes us feel lively. How are you feeling right now?? Do you give much attention to how do you feel at a particular moment or during a conversation with someone?</p> <p>A safe abode can be a place, a person or anything where you can be YOU, that unfiltered self, that state of absence of attempts of being someone else. Having a safe space for mental or emotional expressions is as important as having a safe physical space with someone.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sugandhbhayana02/a-safe-abode-9252b59ae540"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Abode Safe