A Forgotten Treasure In An Abandoned Basement

<p>Wouldn&rsquo;t it be amazing to find a forgotten treasure in your own backyard? You may be able to do just that because most towns have them! You merely need the ability to search them out.</p> <p>I found this to be true in my own town of Martinsburg, W.V. population of around 19,000 people. I was walking up a back staircase in the public library when I couldn&rsquo;t help but notice a rather large and striking painting. It&rsquo;s a massive 4&rsquo;4&rdquo; x 11&rsquo;2&rdquo;.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:481/1*X3VQ2nW7Uopygkz3QhELFw.jpeg" style="height:599px; width:481px" /></p> <p>Self-portrait_by_N._C._Wyeth,_1940,_National_Academy_of_DesignWikimedia.org. Public Domain.</p> <p>Come to find out, it was painted by N.C. Wyeth! Newell Convers Wyeth (1882&ndash;1945) was an artist who kept his brushes busy for the better part of 42 years. His works graced the pages of the Saturday Evening Post and he was known for his convincing portrayals of characters in children&rsquo;s literature.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jody_94220/a-forgotten-treasure-in-an-abandoned-basement-ac2ea4ebb57b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>