A sweet spot between signals and observables

<p>The migration wave to signals is real, state management libraries have started to add support to support both observables and signals.</p> <p>This is my shot together with Chau to combine observables and signals into one.</p> <h2>Little history</h2> <p>Angular has had observables since the beginning and the devs are used to it and have used it in almost every part of their apps.</p> <p><strong>Angular&rsquo;s reactivity</strong>&nbsp;was tied to&nbsp;<strong>rxjs</strong>&nbsp;(except zone.js automagic change detection)!</p> <p>Then, SIGNALS &nbsp;came! They changed everything! The way we see the templates, change detection and reactivity in Angular in general!</p> <p>Who would have thought Angular recommends calling functions in the template?!</p> <pre> @Component({ template: `&lt;div&gt;Count: {{ count() }}&lt;/div&gt;` }) export class MyCmp { count = signal(0); }</pre> <p>(I did LOL! More here:&nbsp;It&rsquo;s ok to use function calls in Angular templates!)</p> <p>Signals are great! But we are used to rxjs patterns in Angular, our services are tied to rxjs subjects, observables, operators and everything else!</p> <h2>Example scenario</h2> <p>I have a&nbsp;<strong>GalleryComponent</strong>&nbsp;that retrieves some data from the API and it depends on an id (retrieved from route params) and global form filters.</p> <p><a href="https://itnext.io/a-sweet-spot-between-signals-and-observables-a3c9620768f1">Read More</a></p>