A no-nonsense toolkit for the passionate: Going from the top 10% to the only

<p>If the title drew you to the post, then I&rsquo;m sure you&rsquo;ve gotten a taste of the flow before. Perhaps a few times a month? You know your greatest work is born from this. I&rsquo;ll ask you this: If you knew your peak performance happens in the flow state, would you want to channel this at random or call upon at will during your 8-hour workday?</p> <h1><strong>Breaking the flow down:</strong></h1> <p>When you are sufficiently at ease &mdash; externally &amp; internally &mdash; and your task is sufficiently challenging &mdash; you will automatically enter the flow.</p> <p>External ease can be elusive and often outside your circle of control. Internal ease is the opposite. And a lot of it comes from deep clarity. Don&rsquo;t mistake clarity for having a plan, however. A plan is just a means to an end &mdash; and often doesn&rsquo;t work out the way we originally intended it to anyway. Clarity, in my opinion, is a framework for our perception of the world. Literally everything else is a second-order effect.</p> <p>In this post, I will share actionable ways to achieve crystal clear clarity about your objective and through this, use actionable ways to get to peak performance. Specifically, I&rsquo;ll cover activities to carry out in the non-flow state to make it a fertile ground of reaping the fruits of flow.</p> <h1><strong>Who is this for?</strong></h1> <p>Star athletes have coaches and mentors that guide them on and off the field. In the tech space, I find the intensity and depth of this kind of mentorship lacking.</p> <p><a href="https://hottechtakes.medium.com/a-no-nonsense-toolkit-for-the-passionate-going-from-the-top-10-to-the-only-d7da5a9732ec">Click Here</a></p>
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