A guide to observability at Birdie

<p>Let&rsquo;s close our eyes for a minute and imagine a world where everything just makes sense and if it doesn&rsquo;t, well, no worries, because we still have the chance to find meaning on any event, based on all the clues and cues that surround us.</p> <p>From an Engineering perspective it might sound too good to be true but indeed, this is the power we rely on at Birdie whenever we want to make an informed choice or need to gather relevant informations about choices that we have already taken.</p> <p>A decision, in simple terms, is something that might affect the way a business responds to events or how external factors could respond to these business decisions. Sometimes a decision can be dependent on a hunch or a feeling from someone inside a company but most of the times it really depends on data but where does this data come from?</p> <p>Well, we could just say that most businesses are what we can call &ldquo;data driven&rdquo; and all the decisions are taken based on relevant outcomes from this &ldquo;data driven approach&rdquo;.</p> <p>&ldquo;Alright Lorenzo, but you are very well aware that Data, most of the times, is just a garbage collection thrown into very spacy baskets with no one looking into them&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/engineering-at-birdie/a-guide-to-observability-at-birdie-29b3459c9a78"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>