A comprehensive overview of computer networking basics

<p>In this blog, we will learn about computer networking basics, starting from the definition of a computer network. We&rsquo;ll then look at the major elements that form a computer network before finally the different devices that are used for creating an actual network.</p> <h1>What is a computer network?</h1> <p>We can define a&nbsp;<strong>computer network</strong>&nbsp;as a set of computers connected via a wired or wireless transmission media to exchange data, including files and resources. Every computer network can be divided into two parts, i.e., hardware and software. The&nbsp;<strong>hardware</strong>&nbsp;includes personal computers, smartphones, and networking devices like routers, bridges, repeaters, etc. The&nbsp;<strong>software</strong>&nbsp;includes operating systems, servers, firewalls, etc.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:321/0*FK7j-kaXLyDfq0Ed" style="height:178px; width:321px" /></p> <p>A simple computer network</p> <h1>Basic Elements of Computer Networking</h1> <p>Let&rsquo;s have a quick overview of the basic elements of a computer network.</p> <h1>Node</h1> <p>A&nbsp;<strong>node</strong>&nbsp;refers to a device that serves as a connecting point and also as a communication endpoint, such as a server, end-user system, etc. These nodes help in data transmission between the network. Every node has a MAC address, and if it processes a layer 3 header (such as routers and end machines), it also has an IP address. However, we can assign easy-to-remember names to nodes along with their corresponding address. We&rsquo;ll comment more on addressing and naming shortly. Some common examples of nodes are routers, repeaters, switches, bridges, servers, printers, end computers, etc.</p> <p><a href="https://learningdaily.dev/a-comprehensive-overview-of-computer-networking-basics-885a0a3fa81d">Website</a></p>