A comprehensive overview of computer networking basics
<p>In this blog, we will learn about computer networking basics, starting from the definition of a computer network. We’ll then look at the major elements that form a computer network before finally the different devices that are used for creating an actual network.</p>
<h1>What is a computer network?</h1>
<p>We can define a <strong>computer network</strong> as a set of computers connected via a wired or wireless transmission media to exchange data, including files and resources. Every computer network can be divided into two parts, i.e., hardware and software. The <strong>hardware</strong> includes personal computers, smartphones, and networking devices like routers, bridges, repeaters, etc. The <strong>software</strong> includes operating systems, servers, firewalls, etc.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:321/0*FK7j-kaXLyDfq0Ed" style="height:178px; width:321px" /></p>
<p>A simple computer network</p>
<h1>Basic Elements of Computer Networking</h1>
<p>Let’s have a quick overview of the basic elements of a computer network.</p>
<p>A <strong>node</strong> refers to a device that serves as a connecting point and also as a communication endpoint, such as a server, end-user system, etc. These nodes help in data transmission between the network. Every node has a MAC address, and if it processes a layer 3 header (such as routers and end machines), it also has an IP address. However, we can assign easy-to-remember names to nodes along with their corresponding address. We’ll comment more on addressing and naming shortly. Some common examples of nodes are routers, repeaters, switches, bridges, servers, printers, end computers, etc.</p>
<p><a href="https://learningdaily.dev/a-comprehensive-overview-of-computer-networking-basics-885a0a3fa81d">Website</a></p>