A Carbon-Neutral Plan to Air Condition the World

<p>Air Conditioner (AC) use is expected to explode over the next three decades. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts the number of home AC units to increase nearly 4-fold by 2050. AC adoption in the developing world is a promising sign of an improved standard of living, though there are rightful concerns about the environmental impact of more space cooling.</p> <p>But there&rsquo;s good news: there is a viable net-zero path toward cooling the world relying on existing technologies to offset the new units.</p> <h1>The Real Reason for AC Increases</h1> <p>I live in a temperate climate and used my Air Conditioner only ten days in the past year. Five of those days were&nbsp;<a href="https://www.kgw.com/article/weather/severe-weather/multnomah-confirms-5-heat-deaths-summer-2022/283-faa03f67-d056-456b-ae49-293b1077ebf1" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">hot enough to kill</a>. Even in&nbsp;<a href="https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-extreme-heat-schools-2023-1.6867079" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">down-right cold areas</a>, Air Conditioners (ACs) still greatly improve quality of life.</p> <p>Over the past few years, there have been&nbsp;<a href="https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/23067049/heat-wave-air-conditioning-cooling-india-climate-change" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">several</a>&nbsp;pop-sci&nbsp;<a href="https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-prevent-air-conditioners-from-heating-the-planet/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">articles</a>&nbsp;in high-profile&nbsp;<a href="https://time.com/6077220/air-conditioning-bad-for-planet-how-to-fix/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">magazines</a>&nbsp;using the same IEA projections that I use here but focused on the irony that space cooling contributes to climate warming. They usually imply a feedback loop where global temperatures are driving ACs use while AC use increases climate change in a death spiral.</p> <p>This, thankfully, is not accurate. Climate change is not the primary driver of increased AC use &mdash; improved equipment affordability is. Here&rsquo;s a graph from IEA showing the percentage of homes with AC ownership by country as of 2016:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-new-climate/a-carbon-neutral-plan-to-air-condition-the-world-56d2cf0f11c0"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>