9 New Must-Have macOS Productivity Apps For Daily Usage

<p>Most people probably don&rsquo;t realize how much of a powerhouse their Mac actually is.</p> <p>While you might think you are utilizing macOS efficiently, the reality is, you are nowhere close to unlocking its full potential.</p> <p>So, in this post, I will share with you 12 new macOS apps that are a must-have for anyone looking to squeeze every drop of efficiency from their day.</p> <p>These apps will transform your daily routine and improve the capabilities of your Mac. Let&rsquo;s get started, shall we?</p> <h2>#1 Camo &mdash; Look better in your meetings&nbsp;</h2> <p>While a lot of the population has gone back to the office, a ton of people still work from home and do not have a proper webcam setup or a professional-looking environment to attend their truly important meetings.</p> <p>Well, Camo is a unique app that aims to solve this problem by allowing you to basically use any camera device, including your phone, DSLR, GoPro, or even an external webcam as a webcam with your Mac and enhances your video quality with a ton of intuitive features built into the app.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/0*h5Gj5DApCrtBKqYg.jpg" style="height:467px; width:700px" /></p> <p><strong>Source</strong>: Camo</p> <p>The app allows you to apply granular controls to your webcam output, like increasing the brightness, changing the exposure, applying color grading, using preset filters, and even adding overlays to your screen to represent your brand or present any message throughout the video call.</p> <p>There is even a Spotlight feature that can brighten you against your background, allowing your audience to focus on you better. Camo also supports auto framing that uses face tracking to ensure you remain centered in the frame.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/macoclock/9-new-must-have-macos-productivity-apps-for-daily-usage-fec955b1510c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apps macOS