8 Quick Refactoring Tips to Make Your Code Cleaner and More Pythonic
<p>In this article, I will show you eight quick refactoring tips that will make your code look much cleaner and more Pythonic.</p>
<h1>Tip 1: Merge Nested If Statements</h1>
<p>Instead of having nested if statements, it’s better to merge them into one. For example, instead of writing:</p>
if a:
if b:
# do something</pre>
<p>You can merge them into:</p>
if a and b:
# do something</pre>
<h1>Tip 2: Use `any` Instead of a Loop</h1>
<p>If you want to check if there is at least one positive element in a list, you can use the `any` function instead of a loop. The longer solution would be to loop over all numbers, check the current number, and then break once the condition is true. However, in Python, there exists a dedicated method called `any` that can simplify this task. You can write:</p>
numbers = [-1, -2, -3, 4, 0, 5, 7, -4]
has_positive = False
for num in numbers:
if num > 0:
has_positive = True
<p>The <em>`</em><strong><em>any`</em></strong> function returns <em>`</em><strong><em>True</em></strong><em>`</em> if any element of the iterable is<strong><em> `True`</em></strong>. This is much shorter and more pythonic than manually looping.</p>
<p><a href="https://python.plainenglish.io/8-quick-refactoring-tips-to-make-your-code-cleaner-and-more-pythonic-a8110edb74fb">Click Here</a></p>