8 principles for success when you encounter difficulty

<p>The French philosopher Bridin once told a short story about a hungry donkey standing between two bales of hay. The grass on the left was fresh, and the grass on the right was rich. The donkey ran into a problem, not knowing which side to eat first, and finally starved to death. In life, many people are like this donkey, hesitating when making choices. This not only wastes time and energy but also causes distress. Today, Mr. Insight gives you 8 golden suggestions to help you with your decision-making difficulties.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:560/1*b_wPVxHJ-kK0PWjVZ-HJVg.png" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Image &mdash; Dalle (Author)</p> <p><strong>1 Speak Less</strong></p> <p>Zeng Guofan said in a letter home that throughout the ages, the reasons for failure have been, first, arrogance, and second, too many and inappropriate words. Speaking too much can lead to trouble. The more you talk, the easier it is to cause misunderstandings. When in doubt about whether to speak, remaining silent is often the best choice.</p> <p><strong>2 Buy Less</strong></p> <p>During this materialistic era, various promotional activities emerge endlessly. As a result, many people buy things regardless of their actual needs. Maintaining rational consumption is important. Do not buy things that you can buy or not. When you are not burdened by external things, you will be at peace in your heart and enjoy the abundance of life.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/8-principles-for-success-when-you-encounter-difficulty-f37be771cf8d">Visit Now</a></p>