7 Words That Evoke the End of Summer

<p>Summer is coming to an end. And even if this is rather tragic for many of us, the wheel of the seasons keeps spinning, and in the other hemisphere, summer is about to begin.</p> <p>Now, it&rsquo;s almost time to wear a jumper and prepare for darker, shorter days. This is my favorite time of the year, a gentle reminder that nature can be enjoyed in every form. Nothing ever stays the same. Life is a constant cycle of death and rebirth. The end of summer is just the beginning of autumn.</p> <p>This jump from light to darkness has an important role in many different cultures and languages, and it&rsquo;s fascinating how different languages talk about the passing of the seasons, bringing nuance and meaning that perfectly encompass the feelings evoked by summer&rsquo;s end.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;re nostalgic, like me, this list will make you want to fish your favorite pair of warm socks out of the closet and go explore for signs of early fallen leaves. If you&rsquo;re a summer child, this could help you find some beauty in an otherwise sad phenomenon. Either way, words matter &mdash; take a look!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-cellar-door/7-words-that-evoke-the-end-of-summer-41e2e8b6aa25"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Summer Evoke