7 Skills Every Founder and Solopreneur Needs to Master to Succeed

<p>I&rsquo;m going to make a bold statement that may ruffle some feathers: I can start a business faster than you. Let me clarify:&nbsp;<a href="https://entrepreneurshandbook.co/how-to-build-a-business-you-love-90-of-the-time-edbe6a15f65b" rel="noopener" target="_blank">I can start a business &mdash; taking something from idea to generating its first dollar of revenue</a>&nbsp;(and ideally profit) &mdash; faster than most first-time founders or your average newbie wantrepreneur.</p> <p>It isn&rsquo;t because of the cash I&rsquo;ve stacked from prior exits. It isn&rsquo;t because of the deep network of valuable connections I&rsquo;ve built and maintained across multiple industries. It definitely isn&rsquo;t because of my IQ, supreme entrepreneurial foresight, or any superhuman intangible trait I possess that&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/swlh/10-unexpected-things-that-will-go-wrong-once-your-business-takes-off-a7bca3b65ee1" rel="noopener">primes me for outsized or accelerated startup success</a>.</p> <p>Instead, it&rsquo;s simply because through creating multiple companies over the past decade &mdash;&nbsp;<a href="https://entrepreneurshandbook.co/my-startup-failed-and-its-all-my-fault-a35ee6265df9" rel="noopener" target="_blank">including a range of failures</a>, as well as a handful of &ldquo;successes&rdquo; (depending on your definition), I&rsquo;ve acquired, practiced, and honed a list of crucial skills that take me from point A to B faster (and ideally, more profitably) than a first-time, inexperienced founder. If you&rsquo;re building a new company and identifying any blindspots or skills lacking as you ramp up your current one, here are 7 skills I deem integral to efficient startup success.</p> <p><a href="https://entrepreneurshandbook.co/7-skills-every-founder-and-solopreneur-needs-to-master-to-succeed-2efcf7749e13"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Founder Skills