7 Principles for Achieving Leadership Integrity

<p>Leadership integrity is one of the most important traits a leader can possess. When your actions match your words, people are more likely to trust and follow you.</p> <p>This means learning about and following the seven key principles that will help you stay honest and true to your values. By following these principles, you can build trust with your team and lead with integrity.</p> <h1>What challenges with integrity are we facing?</h1> <p>The recent Gallup surveys show that employees in Europe and United States lack trust in their leaders. The employees also fail to understand what their leaders believe, which suggests there&rsquo;s a communication problem between management and employees.</p> <p>The data shows only 40% of employees think their employers would do anything if they brought up concerns about ethics or integrity.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/leadership-keystone/7-principles-for-achieving-leadership-integrity-8a2e2ce5b6c3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>