7 Data Science Specialization Streams Most In-Demand Today

<p>If you are one of my connections on LinkedIn or follow my blog, or have clicked this article based on the title, the chances are that you are pursuing a career in Data Science. You could be a Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, or a fresh grad slash aspiring data professional who&rsquo;s trying to get into the industry. Despite recent fluctuations in job market, data science jobs are still high in demand, well-paid, and a respected career direction to consider. Personally speaking, I&rsquo;m extremely happy with my job due to the following reasons: it&rsquo;s dynamic, projects are fun to tackle, and the sense of accomplishment I get from each project is highly rewarding.</p> <p>Having been in the field for several years and being quasi-active on LinkedIn, my connections in the industry is naturally growing, which leads to quite a lot of Zoom calls with other folks in the industry. When I&rsquo;m on a call with various data professionals, it&rsquo;s uncanny how the flow of conversations mirror one another. We often start the call with a quick intro of each other, briefly touch upon what we do and what we enjoy doing in our jobs, and it&rsquo;s funny how more than 90% of the time the conversation ends up in contemplating about what our next steps is going to be. This phenomenon got me thinking that regardless of where we are in our career, whether it&rsquo;s at the beginning stage where you&rsquo;re job hunting to land on your first job, you&rsquo;ve recently started a new role and are still learning, or you&rsquo;ve matured in your role by having worked in the same position for 3&ndash;5 years, we all have the same thing on the top of our minds:&nbsp;<strong>What&rsquo;s next?</strong></p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/7-data-science-specialization-streams-most-in-demand-today-242360eb9cf">Read More</a></p>