The 7 biggest mistakes to avoid as a young VP

<p>You did it, you worked your ass off and you made it to that Vice President job you had on your vision board&hellip; Or; you accidentally got there through an obsession to learn and take on projects with bigger and bigger impact. If so, congrats! Or maybe that job is still on your vision board, if so, I say to you, keep pushing. With the right mindset and work ethic, you will get there!</p> <p>The shocker is, once you&rsquo;re there, the chances are you are going to make many mistakes. I made it to VP at 28 and worked across 3 continents to make it happen. And so far, I&rsquo;ve made&nbsp;<strong>MANY</strong>&nbsp;mistakes.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*9nnUAqyBXeuTwdwcMuxuKw.jpeg" style="height:467px; width:700px" /></p> <p><strong>Here&rsquo;s my top 7 mistakes to avoid and quick tips to fix:</strong></p> <ol> <li><strong><em>I can do it all!</em></strong><em>&nbsp;</em>&mdash; You got to this job because of an obsession to learn or out work or both. You&rsquo;ve obsessively took on more work than average to gain experience and continuously increase your impact BUT that strategy isn&rsquo;t sustainable in the long run. Instead focus on the work that has the biggest impact to the business, your team or your customers and build an infrastructure or automation to handle the rest.</li> <li><strong><em>I can work through the night to make it happen &mdash;</em>&nbsp;</strong>yes, you can. But should you? No. Sleep is essential to maximize that great brain of yours. If you&rsquo;re like me you&#39;re going to say, but I do my best work under pressure! If so, create artificial deadlines, block out time for flow state and win. The feeling of you being able to control that adrenaline beats any last minute deadline win. I promise!</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>