6 Advanced TypeScript tricks for Clean Code

<p>Six advanced TypeScript tips will be covered here, along with examples showing&nbsp;how each&nbsp;one works step by step and their benefits. By using these tips in your own TypeScript code, you not only raise the general standard of your writing but also grow your skills as a TypeScript programmer.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:630/1*moJeTvW97yShLB7URRj5Kg.png" style="height:395px; width:700px" /></p> <p>typescript</p> <h1>1 &mdash; Advanced Types</h1> <p>You may build new kinds based on existing ones using advanced TypeScript types like mapped types and conditional types. With the aid of these kinds, you may change and manipulate types in strong ways, giving your code more flexibility and maintainability.</p> <h2>Mapped Types</h2> <p>Mapped types iterate over the properties of an existing type and apply a transformation to create a new type. One common use case is to create a read-only version of a type.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mvsg/6-advanced-typescript-tricks-for-clean-code-90cee774dbf3">Visit Now</a></p>