5 Tools to Improve Your Focus

<p>I recently discovered a small passion for reading. It&rsquo;s a fun way to consume information and I don&rsquo;t feel guilty if I read for a long period of time (unlike binging on a particular streaming platform). However, I recently discovered I have a slight issue when it comes to reading. I have found myself reading a few pages of a book and realizing I didn&rsquo;t retain anything I had just glazed over. My mind would wander and I&rsquo;d have to go back and reread the last paragraph or in severe cases&hellip; the entire chapter. I wanted to be able to read a book/article/etc without having to go back over something so frequently. I realized some of this may just be the way my brain is wired and there&rsquo;s not much I could do to change that. Another part of me decided to be optimistic and search for ways to improve my focus and concentration. Through a good bit of research and help from some of my favorite podcasts, I&rsquo;m going to provide you with 5 of the top tools I&rsquo;ve discovered on my focus improvement journey!</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:560/1*E_C0HsoFuarbDXQJKjaeIA.jpeg" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <h2>1. Get a Good Night&rsquo;s Sleep</h2> <p>This one may seem pretty obvious, but getting a good night&rsquo;s rest is a huge contributor to how well you can focus throughout the day. Countless studies have been done that show sleep deprivation has a drastically negative effect on attention suggesting a key function of sleep is to regulate your ability to focus. Studies also show that tasks that require more attention tend to drive the amount and intensity of sleep needed. If you want help improving your sleep, here are two articles I have written with tools you can incorporate into your everyday life.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sullivanyoung/5-tools-to-improve-your-focus-7020073f23f8">Read More</a></p>
Tags: tools Focus