401K’s are Failing

<p>Many employers have embraced 401(k)&rsquo;s and other defined-contribution accounts as a way of helping workers save for retirement while relieving themselves of the financial risks that come with managing a traditional pension plan. In theory, 401(k) accounts are better suited to an economy in which workers are changing jobs more frequently than ever because the accounts can be rolled over from previous employers.</p> <p>A more accurate way of saying this would be that employers have embraced 401(k) plans because they are less expensive than providing pensions, thereby cutting overall employee compensation and that 401(k) plans don&rsquo;t take into account the stagnation of real wages.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@edwinmartinez/401k-s-are-failing-16a4fbf72396"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: 401Ks