Is a 401k right for you?

<p><strong>Whether you&rsquo;re just entering the workforce or have worked for decades everyone at some point needs to think about saving for retirement</strong>. Where do you start though? There are a lot of questions concerning retirement. What is a 401k, who can open a 401k, and is it right for me? In this article, I&#39;ll answer these questions and talk specifically about 401k retirement plans.</p> <p><strong>What is a 401k</strong>? A 401k is a retirement savings plan an employer can offer to employees. The contributions toward a 401k come directly out of the employee&#39;s paycheck so the money is already taken out when you receive a paycheck. Having the money taken out before it reaches your hands makes it easy to start saving for retirement. You never have to directly make contributions with this system. You can&rsquo;t spend what you don&rsquo;t have, so this is very helpful for those that aren&rsquo;t good at saving money.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: 401k