$4000 Streamlit Solution with AWS

<p>I previously created a solution for a client that required an efficient way to manage invoices and quotes simultaneously for their staff. Initially, I attempted a solution involving Dropbox. However, this approach fell short as it didn&rsquo;t support simultaneous collaboration, and frequent renewal of access keys was necessary. To better meet the client&rsquo;s needs, I transitioned to employing Streamlit in combination with AWS.</p> <h2>Why Streamlit?</h2> <p>Rather than constructing a conventional webpage, I opted for Streamlit due to its capability to interact seamlessly with the client&rsquo;s data stored in a straightforward Postgres SQL database established on AWS.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:630/1*fyqRn9EMbLb6mAdrMrT8DA.png" style="height:301px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Screenshot of the Main Page for the Streamlit Application</p> <h2>Invoice Management</h2> <p>For the management of invoices, the client&rsquo;s requirements included updating records and monitoring overdue invoice payments, as well as incorporating multi-line notes. Streamlit&rsquo;s innate functionality readily accommodates these necessities. There is a minor issue stemming from Streamlit&rsquo;s refresh process that occasionally necessitates selecting an invoice a second time &mdash; a manageable glitch that I&rsquo;ve attempted to address in various ways, unfortunately without success. If anyone has insights on this matter, I would greatly appreciate your input.</p> <p><a href="https://python.plainenglish.io/4000-streamlit-solution-with-aws-e4a2142b8ba7">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: AWS Streamlit