4 things that are slowly draining your daily motivation

<p>Years of &lsquo;not feeling like doing stuff&rsquo; made me learn a lot about what it takes to be &lsquo;motivated.&rsquo;</p> <p>I saw that motivation is &mdash; counterintuitively &mdash; more about what you don&rsquo;t do than what you consciously try to do.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s what I mean&hellip;</p> <h1>1. Fake dopamine spikes.</h1> <p>Fiddling your trouser shrimp to strangers smooshing their genitals on a screen is not going to motivate you in the long run.</p> <p>Fake sources of dopamine are an extremely underrated destroyer of your passion for life.</p> <p><em>Why, Alex, why?</em></p> <p>Because you get big dopamine spikes from crap like porn or playing video games, which slowly destroys the sensitivity of your dopamine receptors.</p> <p>Yes, this happens.</p> <p>Over time, you need more and more stimulation to get the same &lsquo;hit,&rsquo; and this numbs you further.</p> <p>You might get your fix online, but guess what? NORMAL life becomes boring to you.</p> <p>Being motivated to write, paint and create is now the last thing you want to do.</p> <p>Congrats, asshat &mdash; you&rsquo;re officially a robot.</p> <h1>2. Waiting for motivation.</h1> <p>&lsquo;Motivation&rsquo; is not a feeling, an emotion, or something that seizes us like a lightning bolt from the heavens.</p> <p>Motivation is a DOING. It is a verb. It is an action &mdash; a lifestyle even.</p> <p>You act in a way that a motivated person acts.</p> <p>Now you&rsquo;re motivated.</p> <p>You&rsquo;re doing creates your identity. It is kind of weird, I get it.</p> <p>But most of us get it wrong, wait for inspiration like freaking Plato, and then wonder why three hours have gone by and all we&rsquo;ve achieved is to extract three large boogers.</p> <p><a href="https://iamalexmathers.medium.com/4-things-that-are-slowly-draining-your-daily-motivation-19ca42c329d9">Click Here</a></p>