4 Priceless Gifts You Can Give Your Children Right Now

<p>Parenting involves sacrifice. We all know that. Once you have kids, you will have less money, less time, less sleep, and less sanity.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s a tough racket (all worth it, of course).</p> <p>But does have to be&nbsp;<em>all&nbsp;</em>sacrifice&nbsp;<em>all&nbsp;</em>day every day, 24/7?</p> <p>Parents (especially moms) often believe so. They believe that when they take time out to care for themselves, or pursue their own interests or dreams, that they are being &mdash; gasp! &mdash; selfish.</p> <p>They believe that that&rsquo;s the worst thing they could be, and that their kids will suffer greatly for it.</p> <p>But nothing could be further from the truth.</p> <p>In fact, the deepest, most important gifts you give to yourself are&nbsp;<em>also&nbsp;</em>gifts to your children.</p> <p>These four gifts are priceless, and your children will love you all the more for them.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/4-priceless-gifts-you-can-give-your-children-right-now-8b9be296f078">Read More</a></p>