You can learn a lot from Playstation 4 Games

<p>The gaming industry continues to grow and become more competitive as more companies enter the space. One major player in the gaming industry is Playstation. Playstation is one of the most successful console gaming companies, and an industry leader.</p> <p>The Playstation 4 console has sold more than 117 million units worldwide. That&rsquo;s a lot of buyers to satisfy with fun games. So I thought I would take a dive into a data set that contained information about Playstation 4 games. I wanted to see what I could learn and what patterns could be detected.</p> <h2>The Data and Cleaning</h2> <p>The data set I will be using for my analysis is from It contains 16 columns with over 9,000 observations. I typically use Excel for my data cleaning but wanted to improve my skills with python, so I accepted the challenge.</p> <p>Some of the columns required changing their data types, and perhaps the toughest feat was the &lsquo;CompletionTime&rsquo; column. This column contained the number of hours it took to complete a video game.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>