4 Apple Products That Are Unbelievably Pointless and Petty

<p>Back in 2012, I went to live with my Dad for a year, while I studied at a nearby college. One memory that always comes back to me is how much we fought over Apple versus Windows.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s not that I thought Apple made bad products. It just annoyed me how my Dad was deeply entrenched in the Apple cult. He would buy anything and everything they put on the market.</p> <p>If Apple sold shit in a bag, he&rsquo;d queue at midnight to buy it. After all, it&rsquo;s not just&nbsp;<strong>any&nbsp;</strong>shit in a bag. It&rsquo;s an&nbsp;<strong>Apple&nbsp;</strong>shit in a bag.</p> <p>Fast forward ten years and nothing has changed. Apple still has a dedicated flock of fanboy sheep, who will buy anything that has the Apple logo on it.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s sad to see people act this way and empty their pockets for this multi-trillion-dollar company. But it&rsquo;s also funny seeing it from the outside.</p> <p>Today, I thought we&rsquo;d laugh together at some of the absolute gems that Apple sells to its devoted followers.</p> <p>The products below are so bizarre that you&rsquo;ll probably question their existence. But I assure you, they&rsquo;re as real as the pixels on this screen. Enjoy.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/my-unpopular-opinion/4-apple-products-that-are-unbelievably-pointless-and-petty-434df4a75d41"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple Products