How to See Beyond the 3D World

<p>Before we talk about extra dimensions, let us first review what&nbsp;<strong>dimensions</strong>&nbsp;are.&nbsp;<strong><em>A dimension is a way of measuring something along a certain direction.</em></strong>&nbsp;For example, a line has one dimension, because it only has length. A square has two dimensions, because it has length and width. A cube has three dimensions, because it has length, width, and height. A point has zero dimensions, because it has no size at all.</p> <p>We can also think of dimensions as independent axes that we can use to locate any point in space.&nbsp;<em>For example</em>, we can use the x-axis, the y-axis, and the z-axis to describe the position of any point in a three-dimensional space. Each axis is perpendicular to the other two, and each point has a unique set of coordinates&nbsp;<em>(x, y, z)</em>&nbsp;that tells us how far it is from the origin&nbsp;<em>(0, 0, 0)</em>&nbsp;along each axis.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: 3D world