How Apple Should Have Framed the $3,500 ‘Vision Pro’ Price Point

<p>There was quite a bit of chatter leading up to the unveil that perhaps the rumored $3k price (which Gurman himself was the first to report, I believe) was Apple &ldquo;sandbagging&rdquo; just as it seemingly had done with the original iPad years ago. That Apple would reveal a $1,499 price point or something. Boom. But just a few minutes into the presentation,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">it was clear</a>&nbsp;that not only was that not the case, $3k may have even been&nbsp;<em>optimistic</em>. There was just so much high-end technology crammed into this thing. Sure enough&hellip;</p> <p>Overall, I agree with the concept of getting the price out there now and letting everyone digest it for&nbsp;<em>months</em>&nbsp;before any actual purchasing decisions need to be made. I agree less with Apple trying to spin the price as similar to a high-end TV (mixed with other high-end equipment), as executive Mike Rockwell tried to do on stage. The use cases will not be the same. And the justification betrays the sensitivity Apple clearly has here.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple