3 Huge Energy Leaks That May Be Weakening Your Manifestation Power Without You Knowing It
<h1>1. The little daily distractions.</h1>
<p>Everything starts with seemingly irrelevant details, and you lose your manifestation power in the end.</p>
<p>It’s the little daily distractions that keep you from making progress.</p>
<p>You know what they say, “The devil is in the details.”</p>
<li>In that little press release that outrages you and makes you reactive.</li>
<li>That little bit of disrespect someone does makes you argue.</li>
<li>In that little insidious comment that tries to irritate your ego so that you operate from your lower chakras, manifesting your lower passions.</li>
<li>In those setbacks like traffic jams that make you think your life is horrible and drain all your energy, leaving you hopeless and filling you with anguish and discomfort.</li>
<p>The destruction of a kind soul does not begin with a great tragedy but with a series of minor setbacks that alter it and eventually make it make fatal mistakes.</p>
<p><strong>Lesson:</strong> in the same way that at the end of life, you remember the small moments — a sunset, an ice cream you ate with your partner, the smile of your grandfather in the summer of your childhood — it is the small details that can bring you closer or further away from your dreams.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/the-writers-fight-club/3-huge-energy-leaks-that-may-be-weakening-your-manifestation-power-without-you-knowing-it-138000fc2ee"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>