3 Barriers to Entry in Real Estate and How I Overcame Them

<p>I currently own three rental properties. There are plenty of people who are miles ahead of me, and plenty who ask me advice on how to get started. My path to get here was a combination of study, work, focus, and pretty incredible luck. Many will tell you that &ldquo;you make your own luck&rdquo; or &ldquo;hard work beats luck&rdquo; and to an extent I agree. However, I want to make myself abundantly clear that I can attribute my current situation to 99% luck and 1% everything else. There&rsquo;s a great quote from YouTuber and tech entrepreneur Casey Neistat that illustrates how I feel about this topic:</p> <blockquote> <p>I was born with a winning lotto ticket in my hand. All I had to do was cash it in. That cashing it in was hard work.</p> </blockquote> <p>Casey describes my feelings perfectly. I have been set up for success since the minute I was born. I was raised in a loving home with supportive parents. The education provided to me was top-tier from preschool through university. I was involved in communities and circles of highly successful people who were willing to share their knowledge and resources. There are few people in this world who were given a better lotto ticket than I, and that comes down to pure chance. The only thing that I had to do was focus up and cash in that lotto ticket.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@joerosborne/3-barriers-to-entry-in-real-estate-and-how-i-overcame-them-8ffbff7dbf04">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Real Estate