21 Python Tips And Concepts To Improve Your Code

<p>Python is easy to write and understand but you can quickly use it the wrong way and jump into a minefield of anti-patterns.</p> <p>This post curates a list of 21 concise tips that improve your code readability and efficiency. They are drawn from personal projects, thorough code reviews, and inspiring discussions with senior developers.</p> <p>Whether you&rsquo;re new to the language or you&rsquo;re an experienced developer, this post should definitely help you learn a few things.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong><em>This list includes common python patterns, core concepts and best practices.</em></strong><br /> <strong><em>As there is no particular order, feel free to jump directly to the sections that interest you.</em></strong></p> </blockquote> <p>Without further ado, let&rsquo;s have a look&nbsp;</p> <h1>1 &mdash; Ternary operators</h1> <p>Ternary operators in Python provide an inline way to write conditional expressions. They are particularly useful when you need to assign a value to a variable based on a condition.</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/21-python-tips-and-concepts-to-improve-your-code-dd668a621ca3">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Code Python