200+ Python and Data Science Tips —  Covering Pandas, NumPy, ML Basics, Sklearn, Jupyter, and More

<p>Being a data scientist demands expertise in plenty of areas. You need to be good at using appropriate tools, like Pandas, NumPy, Sklearn, etc.</p> <p>These are indispensable to the development life cycle of many data-driven projects, making them essential skills to begin/maintain a career in data science.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s more, SQL is pivotal to almost all data science roles today.</p> <p>Additionally, data storytelling is equally essential to effectively convey your findings and insights to a broader audience.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Data Science Toolkit (Image by Author)</p> <p>One must also possess a firm understanding of statistics to perform data analysis and make data-driven decisions.</p> <p>And of course, you can never forget ML fundamentals.</p> <p>All in all, it&rsquo;s a lot, isn&rsquo;t it?</p> <p>But it&rsquo;s fun. A lot of fun, in fact.</p> <p>To simplify this data science journey and make it appear less intimidating and more accessible, I have been sharing daily tips for over 200 days.</p> <p>And after completing 200 days, I made a full PDF archive, which lists all the posts I have written.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/200-python-and-data-science-tips-covering-pandas-numpy-ml-basics-sklearn-jupyter-and-more-b657f039e89e">Click Here</a></p>