18 Best Practices for React

<p>React is one of the most popular techs when talking about JavaScript. Even for some developers, it&rsquo;s the best. React doesn&rsquo;t force you how to structure your project. It&rsquo;s completely up to you to choose how to do it. As a result, that makes some developers bring the artistic sense out of them. But, on the other hand&hellip; others can make a mess. When working as a team, it&rsquo;s better to make an understandable structure and code.</p> <p>In this article, you&rsquo;ll explore 18 tips about how to code better in React.</p> <h1>1 &mdash; Avoid local state as much as possible</h1> <p>In case you have some calculations, avoid putting the result in a local state and rendering that state later in the JSX. Instead, move your calculations in the JSX, or create a function that returns the result and put it in the JSX.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@najm-eddine-zaga/18-best-practices-for-react-617e23ed7f2c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: React