10 Subtle Signs His Feelings Are Real

<p>I<strong>t&rsquo;s no secret that women have an easier time (generally speaking) expressing their feelings than men do. While, of course, there are exceptions &mdash; women often look to men&rsquo;s actions for insights into their thoughts.</strong></p> <p>Here are some of those actions that signal strong emotional feelings for you:</p> <h1>1: He spends real quality time with you.</h1> <p>These points are in no particular order, but this one does serve as the foundation for all of the rest.</p> <p>I say this because, if a man isn&rsquo;t putting in&nbsp;<em>real effort</em>&nbsp;to make&nbsp;<em>real time</em>&nbsp;for you, nothing else listed here is going to matter.</p> <p>Even&nbsp;<em>extremely busy</em>&nbsp;people can find time for what&rsquo;s truly important to them into their schedule. It could just be getting a coffee, or a quick drink after work, or bringing you flowers on your birthday &mdash; but&nbsp;<em>in person</em>&nbsp;is the only way to construct a solid and stable foundation for a future together.</p> <p>We can text, and talk, and video chat&nbsp;<em>all we want</em>, but there is no replacement for&nbsp;<strong>real</strong>&nbsp;&ldquo;face time.&rdquo;</p> <h1>2: He values your opinions.</h1> <p>Men seek out the opinions of people they admire and respect. This isn&rsquo;t just about considering&nbsp;<em>you</em>&nbsp;in the decisions he makes &mdash; which is another good sign &mdash; but actively asking for (and listening to) your input when he&rsquo;s trying to make one of these very decisions.</p> <p>A cornerstone of love, is trust &mdash; and trust shows up to the party with&nbsp;<em>respect</em>&nbsp;as its plus one. When you&nbsp;<em>respect</em>&nbsp;someone&rsquo;s input and opinions, you listen to and absorb them.</p> <p>If you don&rsquo;t&hellip;well, you know the rest.</p> <p><a href="https://jamesmsama.medium.com/10-subtle-signs-his-feelings-are-real-1c044c0da35e">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Feelings Real