10 Advanced and Important Node.js Mistakes

<p>Ever wanted to know how to level up your skills in Node.js development and avoid common mistakes that could potentially harm your application&rsquo;s performance? This article will guide you through ten typical pitfalls developers often encounter while writing Node.js code. From blocking I/O usage to the correct handling of uncaught exceptions, the misuse of callbacks, the terrors of callback hell, memory leaks, and using only a single CPU core, to optimizing database operations, using stream over buffer, event listeners, and separating development and production environments.</p> <p>Each section will illustrate the problem with practical code examples, showing both inappropriate and proper usage, and we&rsquo;ll wrap up with a summarizing statement for each point. So whether you&rsquo;re a beginner or a seasoned developer, this article is a must-read for you to enhance your Node.js development skills. Come along on this learning journey, and don&rsquo;t forget to show your support if you find this content helpful!</p> <h1>1 &mdash; Blocking I/O Usage:</h1> <p><strong>Explanation :</strong>&nbsp;Node.js has an asynchronous and event-driven structure, making it adept at handling multiple tasks concurrently. However, using synchronous, blocking code can severely degrade performance. For instance, reading a file synchronously means the processor has to wait for the whole file to be read before moving on, causing other requests to be delayed. This can slow down the overall performance of your application and users might experience delays or slow response times.</p> <p><a href="https://javascript.plainenglish.io/10-advanced-and-important-node-js-mistakes-103de158ffad">Click Here</a></p>